All pages
From Mech
Jump to navigationJump to search- **OBSOLETE** Getting Started with PIC32 and UBW32
- 2016 ASME ME Department Heads' Forum
- 4520 Board construction
- 4520 Board intro
- 4520 Board use
- 555 Servo Circuit
- 555 Timer
- A* Graph Search Project
- AP KS GM-control panel code.c
- AP KS GM-pov code.c
- ASEE Robot Design Competition
- Accelerometers
- Accessing Pinion of Globe Motor
- Actuators
- Actuators Available in the Mechatronics Lab
- Adding a magnetic encoder to a GM3 Gearmotor
- Adding an Encoder to Your Gearmotor
- Advantech CPU Card
- Ambient light color sensing
- Analog Distance Sensor
- Analog Input
- Analog Output
- Answer to currentdivision problem 1
- Answer to voltage division problem 1
- Attaching to a shaft
- Audio recording and playback
- Automated Fish Refuge
- Automated Xylophone
- Ball Balancing Challenge
- Baseball
- Basic Linear Circuits Review
- Basic Stamp
- Basketball
- Battery disaster
- Bearings
- Bouncing Polygon Simulator
- Brushed DC Motor Theory
- Brushless DC Motors
- Building the black board
- Building the blue board
- Building the green board
- Butterfly Rolling Manipulation
- Buttons, pots and light sensors
- C Compilers
- C Example: Analog Inputs
- C Example: Bi-Directional PWM Motor Control
- C Example: Comparators
- C Example: Digital Inputs
- C Example: Digital Outputs
- C Example: Digital Outputs (Ports)
- C Example: PWM Motor Control
- C Example: Parallel Interfacing with LCDs
- C Example: Serial LCD
- C Programming
- Can Launching Fridge
- Capabilities of PIC18F4520
- Capstone Dev
- Characterizing the response of a solenoid
- Choosing a Motor and Gearing Combination
- Circuit diagram for wave generator
- Common xPC Blocks
- Communication
- Comparators
- Compiling for a bootloader in MPLAB
- Conductors: stranded, solid, ribbon cable, coax, twisted pairs, wire gauge (thickness)
- Configuring xPC Target PC
- Conservation of Angular Momentum Locomotion Robot (Fluffbot)
- Continuously Variable Transmission
- Control with TrackCam Vision Feedback and MATLAB
- Controlling a DC Motor with an Encoder
- Controlling a seven segment display
- CoppeliaSim Introduction
- Coursera Resources
- Creating a Simple xPC Program
- Creating an xPC Flash Boot Disk
- DOF of the Human Arm
- Data logging with an EEPROM
- Datasheets
- Debugging C on a PIC
- Design and Control of a Pantograph Robot
- Differential Drive Mobile Robot
- Digital
- Digital Circuits
- Digital inputs & outputs
- Diodes and Transistors
- Directions for Starting New MPLAB Project
- Directions to Load Files to PIC32
- Directions to Load Files to PIC32 with HID Bootloader
- Disk-on-Disk Rolling Manipulation Project
- Driving Brushless DC Motors
- Driving a BLDC Motor
- Driving a BLDC Motor with the dsPIC33FJ12MC201
- Driving a BLDC Motor with the dsPIC33FJ12MC202
- Driving a DC Motor using PWM
- Driving a high current DC Motor using an H-bridge
- Driving a piezo speaker with a PIC
- Driving the HIP4086
- Driving using a single MOSFET
- E-Puck Color Sensing Project
- E-puck Mobile Robot
- EDI Bootcamp
- ESync
- E puck Quickstart Guide
- Eagle
- Editing the mechatronics wiki
- Electric Compass
- Electronics basics
- Embedded Programming Tips for CCS C
- Engineering Analysis 3
- Engineering Analysis 3 Archive 2023
- Evaluating Form Closure Project
- Example Writeup: Analog Input
- FChronos
- Fans As Actuators
- Ferrofluid Art Display
- Filtering with the LMF100
- Finger Position Sensing with a Photodiode Array
- Fingertip laser light sensor
- Flexure Characterization and Design
- Flip-Flops and Latches
- Force-Sensing Resistor
- Furuta/Inverted Pendulum
- Furuta Pendulum
- Furuta Pendulum - Inverted Pendulum
- Gear Motor
- Gears
- Getting Started with MPLAB
- Getting Started with PIC32
- Getting Started with PIC32 and UBW32
- Getting Started with the CoppeliaSim Simulator
- Getting Started with the Modern Robotics Code Library
- Getting Started with the V-REP Simulator
- Global Positioning System
- Granular Flow Rotating Sphere
- Guitar Tuning Project
- Guitar Tunning Project
- Hall Effect Sensor
- Haptic Gaming System
- Hardware and Connections
- HelloWorld PIC32
- High-speed Motor Control from Matlab
- High Speed Motor Control
- High Speed Vision System and Object Tracking
- How to solder
- I2C Motor Controller
- I2C communication between PICs
- IR Target Illumination
- IR Tracker
- IR communication between PICs
- Indoor Localization System
- Installing Node.js
- Installing a C Compiler and IDE
- Integrated Circuits
- Intelligent Oscillation Controller
- Interfacing PIC with SPI memory
- Interfacing the PIC32 with Android devices
- Interfacing the PIC32 with an Android device
- Interfacing to External EEPROM
- Interfacing with a Photodiode Array
- Interfacing with a Secure Digital (SD) card
- Interfacing with a mouse
- Interfacing with a touchscreen
- Interrupts
- Introduction to the PIC32
- KiCad
- Kirchhoff's Current and Voltage Laws
- Kirchhoff practice problem1 solution
- Kirchhoff problem 2 solution
- LED Drivers
- LIMS Air Hockey Table
- LaTeX Software Setup
- Lab 2
- Lab 5
- Lab Inventory
- Laser cutter
- Lateral-Effect Photodiode
- Limit Switch
- Linear Amplifier Motor Driver
- List of Useful Software for Download
- Logic Gates
- LynchAndPark
- MATLAB Motor Controller
- ME333 Sample Code
- ME333 Unofficial Sample Code
- ME333 W2011 Quiz 2 Solutions
- ME 224 Experimental Engineering
- ME 333 Circuits Review Material
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2011)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2012)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2013)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2014)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2015)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2016)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2017)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2018)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2019)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2020)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2021)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Archive Winter 2022)
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (Draft)
- ME 333 Lab 2
- ME 333 Lab 4
- ME 333 Lab 5
- ME 333 Lab Kits
- ME 333 Readings, Videos, and Sample Code
- ME 333 Suggested Final Projects
- ME 333 end of course schedule
- ME 333 final projects
- ME 449 Assignment 1
- ME 449 Assignment 1 (Archive 2020)
- ME 449 Assignment Draft 2021
- ME 449 Projects 2012
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive 2012)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Fall 2014)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Fall 2015)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Fall 2016)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Fall 2017)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Fall 2018)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Fall 2019)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Fall 2020)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Fall 2021)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Fall 2022)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Fall 2023)
- ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (Archive Spring 2014)
- MRI Project
- MR Second Printing
- Machine Vision Localization System
- Main Page
- Making a Molex Connector
- Making things move with the black board
- Manual Dexterity Workshop
- Marionette
- Mathtest
- Mecia:ME333-2013-q4.txt
- Medical Makers
- Microchip MPLAB Files
- Microchip PICs
- Microchip USB Framework
- Microcontroller PIC18F4520
- Microcontroller PIC32MX460F512L
- Microphones
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous2
- Mmcsd.c
- Mobile Manipulation Capstone
- Mobile Manipulation Capstone 2021
- Mobile Manipulation Capstone 2022
- Mobile Manipulation Capstone 2023
- Mobile Manipulation Capstone 2024
- Modern Robotics
- Modern Robotics Errata
- Modern Robotics Errata, First Edition Version 1
- Modern Robotics Linear Algebra Review
- Modern Robotics Print-Only Errata
- Modern Robotics Videos
- Mohr's Circle
- MonkeyBot Simulation Project
- Monkeybot
- Monkeybot Circuit and Program Documentation
- More debugging tips
- Mozart's Right Hand
- Multiple image
- Music from the Heart -- Music Suit
- NI-DAQ Cards on Linux
- NScope
- NScopeOld
- NU32
- NU32: 16x2 LCD
- NU32: A Detailed Look at Programming the PIC32 on the NU32
- NU32: Analog-to-Digital Conversion
- NU32: Analog Input
- NU32: Bootloading from command line
- NU32: Counters and Timers
- NU32: Digital Input and Output
- NU32: Driving RC servo motors
- NU32: Driving a stepper motor
- NU32: I2C Synchronous Serial Communication
- NU32: Input Capture
- NU32: Introduction to the PIC32
- NU32: Output Compare, PWM, and Analog Output
- NU32: Pulse Width Modulation
- NU32: Quickstart
- NU32: SPI Synchronous Serial Communication
- NU32: Serial Communication with the PC
- NU32: Software to Install
- NU32: Starting a New Project and Putting it on the NU32
- NU32: UART Asynchronous Serial Communication
- NU32: Using the Comparator
- NU32: Using the MAX9918 current sensor
- NU32: Using the MCP42X1 SPI Digital Potentiometer
- NU32: Using the TB6612 H-Bridge
- NU32: Using the dsPIC33FJ12MC201 QEI to SPI board
- NU32: VC0706 Serial Camera
- NU32: Watchdog Timer
- NU32: What is in the NU32 Kit
- NU32 Book Errata
- NU32 Electronics and Mechatronics Kits
- NU32 Software
- NU32 Videos
- NU32v2: A Detailed Look at Programming the PIC32
- NU32v2: Analog Input
- NU32v2: Benchmark Test
- NU32v2: Counters and Timers
- NU32v2: Digital I/O Assembly Code
- NU32v2: Digital Input and Output
- NU32v2: Digital Signal Processing
- NU32v2: Flash Self-Programming
- NU32v2: I2C Synchronous Serial Communication
- NU32v2: Input Capture
- NU32v2: Interrupts
- NU32v2: Introduction to the PIC32
- NU32v2: NU32v2 Benchmark Test
- NU32v2: Nokia 5110 LCD
- NU32v2: Output Compare, PWM, and Analog Output
- NU32v2: SPI Synchronous Serial Communication
- NU32v2: Serial Communication with the PC
- NU32v2: Simple Analog Input
- NU32v2: Software to Install
- NU32v2: Starting a New Project
- NU32v2: Starting a New Project and Putting it on the NU32v2
- NU32v2: The NU32v2 Serial Bootloader and PC Application
- NU32v2: UART Asynchronous Serial Communication
- NU32v2: Using the L293D H-Bridge
- NU32v2: Using the LS7183 Quadrature Clock Converter
- NU32v2: Using the Simulator
- NU32v2: Watchdog Timer
- NU32v2: What is in the NU32v2 Kit
- NUScope
- NUScope 2011
- NatNetLinux
- Node.js
- Northwestern Design Competition
- NuScope
- OBSOLETE NU32 video page
- Old Index Page
- Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amps)
- Optical Locating