ME 449 Robotic Manipulation

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Spring Quarter 2014

Course Summary

Mechanics of robotic manipulation, computer representations and algorithms for manipulation planning, and applications to industrial automation, parts feeding, grasping, fixturing, and assembly.


Grading for the course will be based on problem sets and a final project. There will be no exams. The final project, due during finals week, will take the form of a conference paper analyzing a manipulation problem, building on another research paper, or implementing a simulation.

Course Text

"Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control," F. C. Park and K. M. Lynch. These course notes will be undergoing revision throughout the quarter; check the timestamp in the table of contents.


Final Project

Approximate Syllabus

Configuration Space

Rigid-Body Motions

Forward Kinematics

Velocity Kinematics and Statics

Inverse Kinematics

Kinematics of Closed Chains

Dynamics of Open Chains

Trajectory Generation

Motion Planning

Robot Control

Grasping and Manipulation
