NU32 Software
From Mech
- Text Editors (These are just suggestions; feel free to use any text editor you are comfortable with)
- Native C Compiler
- Xcode Command Line Tools (Mac): Log in with an Apple developer id, available for free, and download "Command Line Tools OSX (version number) for Xcode (version number)" (about 160 MB), to avoid downloading the ~4 GB full Xcode developer suite (which also has the command line tools). You will probably need to add /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin to your path to make sure you find gcc and make from the command line; see the video on software downloads. (Instead of using Xcode command line tools, you could use gcc and make from Homebrew or MacPorts.)
- MinGW (Windows)
- gcc (Linux)
- sudo apt-get install build-essential (Ubuntu/Debian)
- sudo pacman -S base-devel (Arch)
- Make
- Distributed with Xcode (Mac)
- Distributed with MSYS, obtained via MinGW (Windows)
- make (Linux)
- sudo apt-get install build-essential (Ubuntu/Debian)
- sudo pacman -S base-devel (Arch)
- The Microchip XC32 Compiler
- MPLAB Harmony Integrated Software Framework
- FTDI Virtual COM Port Driver
- PuTTY Terminal Emulator for Windows (use "screen" on Linux and the Terminal program on a Mac)
- Full Book Source Code (November 2015) - All of the source code from the book. (November 2015) contains just the code for Chapter 1, which is also included the folder 01_Quickstart within the full book.