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Original Assignment

Do not erase this section!

Your assignment is to interface to the SPI 25AA1024 EEPROM chip.


EEPROM stands for stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. It is a type of non-volitile memory that can be used to store little bits of data. Data will remain on EEPROM when power is disconnected, (like an external hardrive). The EEPROM chip must be reprogrammed in its entirety, and has a life span in the tens or hundreds of thousands of read/writes.

You can use the PIC32 to communicate with an EEPROM chip using SPI. This page refers to the usage of a Serial EEPROM.

To test that the code data was writing and reading correctly, the attached code sends data to the EEPROM through SPI, then from the EEPROM back to the PIC, and out to a LED display screen.

EEPROM vs. Flash memory: The EEPROM erases the cell one by one, and only erases the 1's back to zero. Flash erases the whole block at once. Since erasing causes wear to the cell, the EEPROM will have a slightly longer lifetime.


Include a schematic and give any part numbers. A photo of your circuit is OK, but not as a replacement for a schematic.

Connection schematic for 25AA1024 chip


For visual feedback the PIC32 was connected to and LCD screen(1602A1 USB-A/Mini-B5-06):



Communication speed is determined by the clock signal and the Baud rate register (BRG).

There is a delay of about 50 us when writing using the SpiChnPutC function, otherwise it will send/recieve one bit per clock cycle. Overall timing is limited by the EEPROM's internal write cycle (on the order of 1 ms).


Where possible, make it a single piece of well-commented cut-and-pastable code, or at least make each function that way, so others can easily copy it. Most comments should be in the code itself; outside the code (on the wiki) should only be explanatory comments that are too cumbersome to include in the code.

   // This code checks the writing and reading of an EEPROM via SPI communication. Note: using this              
     code, one can verify using the scope that the EEPROM can actually be read  and the read content is just   
     what is written into. 
   //this code also tells us that the transition between "write" and "read" is big. As a clock pulse is about    
     several us(even with prescaler set to 1024), the transition is about ms. So in this case,
   //if new data is written, and you read it soon afterwards(us), the EEPROM will not respond.
   //note: lines of code like "//int mData=SPI2STAT;" is used to read the status register to debug
     #include "Compiler.h"
     #include "HardwareProfile.h"
     #include <plib.h>
     #include "LCD.h"

     #define      chipselect     LATCbits.LATC1
   //manipulate /CS of EEPROM. Manipulation of EEPROM cannot be done by linking /SS of PIC and /CS of ROM. One  
     can check this with a scope: built-in functions like SpiChnPutc() does not generate corresponding 
     chipselect signal

   int main()

    LATC |=   0b0000000000000010;		//Use C1 of PIC to toggle /CS of  ROM
    TRISC &=0b1111111111111101;		//intialize C1 as output
    TRISGbits.TRISG7=1;// set G7 as digital input

    char LCDbuffer[33]; // this will store the string for the LCD

	int	ENA= 0b00000110;		//ROM write-enable instruction
	int	INS1=0b00000010;		//ROM write instruction
	int	add1=0x00;		//address byte 1
	int	add2=0x11;		//address byte 2
	int	add3=0xee;		//address byte 3
	int	INS2=0b00000011;		//ROM read instruction
	int	INS3=0b00000101;		//read status register
	int	DIS = 0b00000100;		//write disable sequence
    while(1)			//include a while loop to examine with a scope(cannot run single when there is
                                  5ms time lag)

     IEC0CLR=0x03800000;		//disable all interrupts
     SPI2CON = 0;			//resets SPI2
     int	dump=SPI2BUF;		//clears the receive buffer
     IFS0CLR=0x03800000;		//clear any existing event
     SPI2STATCLR=0x40;		//clears overflow flag

     SpiChnOpen(2,SPI_CON_MSTEN| SPI_CON_MODE8|SPI_CON_ON, 1024);   // divide fpb by 1024, configure the I/O 
     //there is another way to open SPI channel, but essentially the same, intialize the SFRs
     chipselect=0;	//enable chip. the ROM starts up with /CS high
     Delayus(100);	//give enough time for the previous instruction to get executed
     chipselect=1;	 //toggle /CS to properly set write enable, demanded by the ROM
     chipselect=0;	//enable chip again to initiate write sequence          
     SpiChnPutC(2,0x50);  //the previous five instructions writed byte 0x50 to address(1+2+3)

     Delayus(200);	// delay long enough for the sequence to be fully executed
     chipselect=1;	//deselect the chip to enable internal write sequence which is surprisingly slow!!

     Delayus(5000);	//yes! believe your eyes, 5ms. otherwise the chip would be 'busy' so that the following 
                         read sequence is 'dumped'

     chipselect=0;	//select chip to initiate reading


     //reading instruction
     //read sequence, to read the very place where data was written
     //int mData=SPI2STAT;//841 if put here

     SpiChnPutC(2,0x00) //this line is necessary since the ROM needs clock signal to clock out the data.
      //the reset of this code is hardly necessary for one to observe the write and read is executed. Because 
        using a scope, one can observe the data is clocked out of the EEPROM the moment the address is given(so 
      //when this line is excuted, the data is put onto the SDI pins of PIC and as one bit is shifted out of 
        SDO, a new bit is shifted into SDI

      //int mData=SPI2STAT;		//841 here
      while(SPI2STAT!=0x849){}	//wait until the TX buffer is empty, and enable data storage by clearing overflow 
                                 flag!!!without this line, one can get only 0xff
      //int	mData=SPI2STAT;			//849 here, transmit is empty
        SPI2STATCLR = 0x40;			//clear overflow flag
        int	receive	=	SPI2BUF;	//since overflow is cleared, buffer is read so that new data can 
                                                  come in
      //int	mData=SPI2STAT;	//808 here: busy and buffer is cleared, new data should be waiting to come in
       int	mData=SPI2STAT;			//9 here, 
       receive =	SPI2BUF;	//read 
       chipselect=1; //end of reading sequence

       sprintf(LCDbuffer, "\f%c", receive); // make the string 0x50 represents "P" in ASCII
       putsLCD(LCDbuffer);  // write the contents of the variable 


This section of code is used to read and write strings of data to the EEPROM
//this code does string transmission
#include "Compiler.h"
#include "HardwareProfile.h"
#include <plib.h>
#include "LCD.h"

#define      chipselect     LATCbits.LATC1
//manipulate /CS of EEPROM. Manipulation of EEPROM cannot be done by //linking /SS of PIC and /CS of ROM. One  can check this with a scope: //built-in   functions like SpiChnPutc() does not generate corresponding //chipselect signal 

//function declaration
//void string(char *A,int s);		
//this function does string, int s indicates the size of the string int here;
int	ENA= 0b00000110;		//ROM write-enable instruction
int	INS1=0b00000010;		//ROM write instruction
int	INS2=0b00000011;		//ROM read instruction

void write(unsigned char *data, int length);	//actually address is 3-byte long but the first 7 bit dose not matter, we just make the first 8bit to be all 0s
void read(unsigned char *edata, int length);

int main()

  	LATC |=   0b0000000000000010;		//Use C1 of PIC to toggle /CS of  ROM
  	TRISC &=0b1111111111111101;		//intialize C1 as output
  	TRISGbits.TRISG7=1;// set G7 as digital input

	char LCDbuffer[33]; // this will store the string for the LCD

	short	addr=0x0000;	//initial writing address, first byte is set to zero and not displayed

	IEC0CLR=0x03800000;		//disable all interrupts
	SPI2CON = 0;			//resets SPI2
	int	dump=SPI2BUF;		//clears the receive buffer
	IFS0CLR=0x03800000;		//clear any existing event
	SPI2STATCLR=0x40;		//clears overflow flag

	SpiChnOpen(2,SPI_CON_MSTEN| SPI_CON_MODE8|SPI_CON_ON, 1024);   // divide fpb by 1024, configure the I/O ports.

	unsigned char string[]="SPI SUCKS!!";
	int	size=sizeof(string);
	unsigned char	readstring[size];
	//writing block, first enable writing
	chipselect=0;   //enable chip. the ROM starts up with /CS high
	Delayus(100);   //give enough time for the previous instruction to get executed
	chipselect=1;    //toggle /CS to properly set write enable, demanded by the ROM
	write(string, size);
	//delay a long time for those data to get written, internal writ cycle
	Below is the reading part
	chipselect=0;   //select chip to initiate reading
	//terminate reading sequence

	sprintf(LCDbuffer, "\f%s", readstring); // make the string 0x50	represents "P" in ASCII
 	putsLCD(LCDbuffer);  // write the contents of the variable 


void write(unsigned char *edata, int length)
  // Send Data to eeprom to program one location
	SpiChnPutC(2,INS1);			//enable the chip and write "write" instruction
	SpiChnPutC(2,0x00);			//the first 8-bit address
	Delayus(20000);   // delay long enough for the sequence to be fully executed

//below is the function that does sequential read
void	read(unsigned char *data, int length)
   	// Send Data to eeprom to program one location

	SpiChnPutC(2,INS2);			 //enable the chip and write "read" instruction
	SpiChnPutC(2,0x00);			 //the first 8-bit address
	SpiChnPutC(2,0x11);		//write the starting address

	while(SPI2STAT!=0x849){}   //wait until the TX buffer is empty, and enable data storage by clearing overflow flag!!!            
	SPI2STATCLR = 0x40;         //clear overflow flag
	int   receive   =   SPI2BUF;   //since overflow is cleared, buffer is read so that new data can come in   
    	receive =   SPI2BUF;   //read 

	//here=SPI2STAT;  		//008 here, means transmit buffer is empty
    		receive =   SPI2BUF;   //read


If the readout on the LCD screen is not what was expected connect the EEPROM chip to a four channel oscilloscope and double check whether the data is being correctly transferred. For example: the yellow channel 1 is clock signal, green channel 2 is PIC data output, blue channel 3 is /CS, purple channel 4 is pic data input

closed look at the EEPROM's output First.jpg

overview of reading Second.jpg

overview of writing Third.jpg

Further Reading


