PIC32MX: Interfacing to a Secure Digital (SD) Flash Card

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Original Assignment

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Your assignment is to create code that will allow the PIC32 to read and write data to a FAT32 SD card. The SD card should be able to be read by a PC after data has been written on it by the PIC32.

Create functions so that it is easy to read, write and initialize the SD card.

Use the example projects in the "Microchip Solutions/USB Device - Mass Storage - SD card data logger" and "Microchip Solutions/USB Device - Mass Storage - SD card reader" folders as a guide.

Use your code to create a folder on the PIC32 and write 1000 bytes of data to a text file in that folder. How long does it take? Make sure the PC can read the file.

Create a folder on the SD card with the PC and place a text file in the folder with 1000 bytes of data. Read the file with the PIC32. How long does it take?


Secure digital cards, or SD cards, are inexpensive and common mass storage devices that can be interfaced with our PIC to provide a larger non-volatile data storage space. Non-volatile memory is computer memory that retains information even when not powered. In this lab, we interfaced our PIC32MX460F512L to communicate with a 2GB FAT32 SD card to allow reading and writing of data.

The original program stems from tutorials from the book Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C: Exploring the PIC32 by Lucio Di Jasio. We used the tutorials from Day 14 and 15 to generate our code for SD card reading and writing via SPI communication (Serial Peripheral Interface). The main problem with this tutorial is that it is made for the PIC32MX360F512L on the Explorer16 board, so many changes were required in order to run the code.

In terms of hardware, the following is required for our setup:

  1)  PIC32MX460F512L in NU32 Configuration
  2)  Breakout board for SD Card - BOB-00204
  3)  Header Pins for Breakout board
  3)  SD Card
  4)  Four 10K ohm and two 1K ohm resistors
  5)  2 additional LEDs (optional, but recommended)

NOTE: While ultimately, we were able to initialize the SD card and send data along the output and input lines, we were unsuccessful in executing the read/write demo. We are confident that the hardware configuration and circuit are correct, however the code likely contains errors.


The SD card holder has 11 pins, 6 of which are being directly used for communication with our PIC. The SD card is powered off of 3.3V from our PIC, which comes from our mini-usb connection. 10K and 1K resistors pull-up resistors were added to each connection in order to allow for a voltage drop. Green and yellow LEDs were added to the Write Protect (WP) and Card Detect (CD) lines for ease of use. A powered yellow LED indicates the presence of an SD card in the SD card reader. A powered green LED indicates that the Write Protect is off. No resistor is necessary on the clock line. The IRQ and P9 pins on the SD card holder were not needed for SPI communication, so they were not connected to the PIC. However, they need to be powered for the SD card holder to operate properly. A breakdown of each of the 11 pins on the SD card holder is displayed in the table below.

PIN Label Function
CS Chip Select.

Since multiple slaves can be used with one master,

chip select is necessary to indicate which chip is being

communicated with. Should be set low to indicate selection.

DI Digital Input.

Should be connected to PIC's output.

VCC Voltage.

Should be powered by +3.3V, according to data sheet.

CLK Serial Clock.

Should be connected directly to PIC clock

GND Ground.
DO Digital Output.

Should be connected to PIC's input.

IRQ Not used for SPI mode.
P9 Not used for SPI mode.
CD Card Detect.

Outputs low if card is detected.

WP Write Protect.

Outputs high if card is write protected.

COM Common.

Should be grounded if WP and/or CD are in use.

Our circuit diagram is displayed below.

Circuit diagram for communicating between a PIC 32MX460F512L to communicate with a 2GB FAT32 SD card.
Circuit diagram for communicating between a PIC 32MX460F512L to communicate with a 2GB FAT32 SD card
PIN Label Function
RC1 SDCS Digital output for SD card select
RG8 SDO2 Module 2 SPI output from the PIC to the SD card
RG6 SCK2 Serial Clock module 2
RG7 SDI2 Module 2 SPI input from the SD card to the PIC
RC2 SDCD Digital input from SD card for card detect
RC3 SDWP Digital input from SD card for write protect

We soldered square pin headers onto the SD card holder to allow easy connection to our breadboard. Please see our circuit below for more detail.

Hardware and wiring setup for PIC32MX460F512L in NU32 board configuration


The code used for this project was based upon the companion code to the recommended text Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C: Exploring the PIC32 by Lucio di Jasio. The complete text in PDF form can be accessed here. The relevant sections for our project were Day 14: Mass Storage and Day 15: File I/O, which can be found on pages 403 and 427 of the text, respectively.

All the necessary companion files for Days 14 and 15 can be downloaded here. This code has been modified slightly for the purposes of our project. One major modification was the exclusion of the LCD screen and accompanying code, which was left out for the sake of simplicity. Our group focused on the Day 14 code, which can be found in the "14 SDMMC" folder. Upon opening the MPLAB Project "SDMMC," the user should see three .c files in the Source Files folder. These include Explore.c, RWTest.c, and SDMMC.c. Under the Header Files folder, should be HardwareProfile.h, HardwareProfileNU32.h, and SDMMC.h. Finally, procdefs.ld should be included under Other Files.

The complete code for RWTest.c is shown below. The rest of the files can be downloaded from the provided link.

**	RWTest.c
// configuration bit settings, Fcy=72MHz, Fpb=36MHz
#pragma config POSCMOD=XT, FNOSC=PRIPLL 

#include <HardwareProfile.h>
#include <explore.h>
#include <SDMMC.h>
#include <plib.h>
#include <fileio.h>

#define START_ADDRESS       10000   // start block address
#define N_BLOCKS            10      // number of blocks
#define B_SIZE              512     // sector/data block size

char    data[ B_SIZE];
char  buffer[ B_SIZE];

main( void)
    TRISCbits.TRISC1 = 0;

    LBA addr;
    int i, j, r;

    // 1. initializations
    initSD();		        // init SD/MMC module

    // 2. fill the buffer with pattern
    for( i=0; i<B_SIZE; i++)
        data[i]= i;

    // 3. wait for the card to be inserted
    while( !getCD());       // check CD switch
    Delayms( 100);          // wait contacts de-bounce
    if ( initMedia())       // init card
    {  // if error code returned
        goto End;
    // 4. fill 16 groups of N_BLOCK sectors with data 
    addr = START_ADDRESS;
    for( j=0; j<16; j++)
        for( i=0; i<N_BLOCKS; i++)
            if (!writeSECTOR( addr+i*j, data))
            {  // writing failed
                goto End;
        } // i
    } // j
    // 5. verify the contents of each sector written  
    addr = START_ADDRESS;
    for( j=0; j<16; j++)
        for( i=0; i<N_BLOCKS; i++)
        {   // read back one block at a time
            if (!readSECTOR( addr+i*j, buffer))
            {   // reading failed
                goto End;
            // verify each block content
            if ( memcmp( data, buffer, B_SIZE))
            {   // mismatch
                goto End;
        } // i
    } // j

    // 6. indicate successful execution

    // main loop
    while( 1);

} // main

The code first includes a section for initializations including initializations for the SD card. The function initSD initializes Card Select as an output as well as setting the clock speed. The LED initialization is included only for the purposes of debugging and can be excluded if desired.

The code then waits for the SD card to be inserted before initializing the media. This function includes enabling and resetting the SD card.

Finally, the program writes blocks of data to the SD card. If successful, it will read the data back again. It is at this point that our code fails. Specifically, in the function writeSECTOR, the data is sent and then the code checks to see if the data was accepted. The data accept check is currently returning 0. This seems to suggest that the SD card is not successfully storing the data.