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== Code ==
== Code ==

eeprom_rand_access.c Scott McLeod 03-05-2008
This program shows how to interface to an I2C extrenal Microchip EEPROM.
This code is written for random reads and writes to the EEPROM

#include <18f4520.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use i2c(MASTER, FAST, SCL=PIN_C3, SDA=PIN_C4, FORCE_HW) // use hardware i2c controller
int8 EEPROM_WR = 0xA0; // I2C Address. 1010 0000. last bit = 0 => write command
// First Nibble is fixed as 1010 (internal address);
// Second Nibble is ABCD,
// A = Block Set
// B, C = Hardware Addresses (Configured when you Wire the CHIP)
// D = (0 = write, 1 = read)
int8 EEPROM_RD = 0xA1; // Same as EEPROM_WR except last bit = 1 for READ command

int read = 0;
int data = 128;
int16 loc;
int temp = 0;
void rand_write(int16 address, int data)
i2c_start(); // Claim I2C BUS
i2c_write(EEPROM_WR); // Tell all I2C devices you are talking to EEPROM in WRITE MODE
i2c_write(address>>8); // Address High Byte (0x00 - 0x)
i2c_write(address); // Address Low Byte (0x00 - 0xAA)
i2c_write(data); // Data to write
i2c_stop(); // Release BUS
delay_ms(25); // Let EEPROM Write Data
int rand_read(int16 address)
i2c_start(); // Claim I2C BUS
i2c_write(EEPROM_WR); // Tell all I2C devices you are talking to EEPROM in WRITE MODE
// (you are first writing to the EEPROM to set the address. Later you will read)
i2c_write(address>>8); // Address High Byte (0x00 - 0x
i2c_write(address); // Address Low Byte (0x00 - 0xAA)
i2c_start(); // RESTART I2C BUS (necissary for microchip protocol)
i2c_write(EEPROM_RD); // Tell all I2C you are talking to EEPROM in READ MODE.
read = i2c_read(); // Read in the data
i2c_read(0); // Read last byte with no ACK
i2c_stop(); // release the bus
void main()
output_d(1); // Output a 1 for reference to start
delay_ms(1000); // *Not necissary pause, just for debugging
loc = 0x00; // Random Location in memory
temp = 15; // Byte to write
rand_write(loc, temp); // Random Write: rand_write(address, data)

delay_ms(1000); // *Not necissary pause, just for visual purposes

temp = 0; // Reset temp
temp = rand_read(loc); // Random Read: rand_read(address);
output_d(temp); // Output temp

Revision as of 12:48, 5 March 2008

Using an external EEPROM can be useful for several different reasons. External EEPROMs also allow much more data to be stored than is available on the 18F4520. In addition, EEPROM saves state when power is cycled.


We used a Microchip 24FC515 external EEPROM. (http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/21673E.pdf)


   eeprom_rand_access.c Scott McLeod 03-05-2008
   This program shows how to interface to an I2C extrenal Microchip EEPROM.
   This code is written for random reads and writes to the EEPROM
#include <18f4520.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use i2c(MASTER, FAST, SCL=PIN_C3, SDA=PIN_C4, FORCE_HW)    // use hardware i2c controller

int8 EEPROM_WR = 0xA0;        // I2C Address. 1010 0000.  last bit = 0 => write command
                              // First Nibble is fixed as 1010 (internal address);
                              // Second Nibble is ABCD, 
                                 // A     =  Block Set
                                 // B, C  =  Hardware Addresses (Configured when you Wire the CHIP) 
                                 // D     =  (0 = write, 1 = read)
int8 EEPROM_RD = 0xA1;        // Same as EEPROM_WR except last bit = 1 for READ command  
int read = 0;
int data = 128;
int16 loc;
int temp = 0;

void rand_write(int16 address, int data)
   i2c_start();               // Claim I2C BUS
   i2c_write(EEPROM_WR);      // Tell all I2C devices you are talking to EEPROM in WRITE MODE
   i2c_write(address>>8);     // Address High Byte (0x00 - 0x)
   i2c_write(address);        // Address Low Byte (0x00 - 0xAA)
   i2c_write(data);           // Data to write
   i2c_stop();                // Release BUS
   delay_ms(25);              // Let EEPROM Write Data

int rand_read(int16 address)
   i2c_start();               // Claim I2C BUS
   i2c_write(EEPROM_WR);      // Tell all I2C devices you are talking to EEPROM in WRITE MODE 
                              // (you are first writing to the EEPROM to set the address.  Later you will read)
   i2c_write(address>>8);     // Address High Byte (0x00 - 0x
   i2c_write(address);        // Address Low Byte (0x00 - 0xAA) 

   i2c_start();               // RESTART I2C BUS (necissary for microchip protocol)
   i2c_write(EEPROM_RD);      // Tell all I2C you are talking to EEPROM in READ MODE.
   read = i2c_read();         // Read in the data
   i2c_read(0);               // Read last byte with no ACK
   i2c_stop();                // release the bus

void main()
   output_d(1);               // Output a 1 for reference to start
   delay_ms(1000);            // *Not necissary pause, just for debugging
   loc = 0x00;                // Random Location in memory
   temp = 15;                 // Byte to write
   rand_write(loc, temp);     // Random Write: rand_write(address, data) 
   delay_ms(1000);            // *Not necissary pause, just for visual purposes
   temp = 0;                  // Reset temp
   temp = rand_read(loc);     // Random Read: rand_read(address);
   output_d(temp);            // Output temp