Uploads by JarvisSchultz

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
15:06, 7 February 2010 Portescap 26M048B Stepper Motors.pdf (file) 475 KB Data Sheet for this series of stepper motors 1
15:14, 7 February 2010 General Bipolar H-Bridge Drive Circuit.JPG (file) 58 KB   1
20:47, 8 February 2010 Bipolar Stepper Motor Drive Circuit JSJW.JPG (file) 56 KB   1
21:29, 8 February 2010 Stepper Motor.zip (file) 785 KB Processing file and necessary ControlP5 library 1
21:39, 8 February 2010 PIC32 Stepper Motor Driving Code JSJW.c (file) 13 KB   1
17:42, 18 March 2010 JS JW Wii Demo.zip (file) 180 KB A compressed file containing all of the necessary files to run the Wii remote demonstration created for the differential drive swarm robot in ME 333, Winter 2010. 1
17:35, 9 April 2010 Winter2010SwarmbotCodeUML.pdf (file) 73 KB   1
08:04, 27 April 2010 Mobile Robot - Code.zip (file) 11 KB   3
08:10, 27 April 2010 JS JW Final Mobile Robot Codes.zip (file) 11 KB   1
16:32, 15 December 2011 NetBeansSampleProjectConfiguration 1.JPG (file) 53 KB This simply shows the first step in creating a sample NetBeans C project. 1
16:35, 15 December 2011 NetBeansSampleProjectConfiguration 2.JPG (file) 59 KB This simply shows the second step in creating a sample NetBeans C project. 1
12:09, 31 January 2012 Core timer tester.c (file) 1 KB   4
18:09, 3 February 2012 HW4 Interrupts and Programming.zip (file) 189 KB   3
12:14, 14 February 2012 ME333 winter2012 Assignment5.pdf (file) 1,013 KB   3
23:35, 22 February 2012 DSP sample square wave.zip (file) 11 KB A zip file containing some MATLAB code and some C code that demonstrates the use of the mips fixed-point library for DSP and FFT. MATLAB is used to generate a header file containing a square wave, and the coefficients of a high-order FIR. The FIR coeffi 1
12:41, 23 February 2012 DSP mips32 fft.zip (file) 2 KB Small sample source and header file showing an example of using the mips32_fft library. 1
02:40, 6 March 2012 FinalDemo.zip (file) 2.94 MB   5
12:20, 26 October 2016 Ur5 imported interactive.ttt (file) 1.65 MB   1
12:24, 26 October 2016 Ur5 example jointstates.csv (file) 11 KB   1