Sensoray 526 Data Aquisition Card

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The Sensoray 526 is a data aquisition card found in all of the mechatronics pc/104 lab kits. Its function is to interact with the outside world and communicate to the Advantech PCM-3350.


Below is a list summarizing the features of the Sensoray 526.

Feature Description
Analog OUT (4x) 16-bit 10V
Analog IN (8x) 10-bit 10V
Digital I/O (8x) programmable channels (groups of 4)
Encoders (4x) 24-bit encoder/timer inputs (27 or 13.5 MHz)
Power +5V

For additional information, see the product website and consult the 526datasheet.pdf.


There are two ribbon cable connectors on the Sensoray 526. The smaller one (40-pin) is where all Analog I/O is connected and the larger one (50-pin) is where all Digital I/O is connected.

Analog Connector Pinout
Digital Connector Pinout