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The WiiMouse



Circuit Diagram

PIC Code


The initialization code opens up a graphical user interface with a single button, allowing the user to turn on and off mouse control. The figure that is called can be found here.

function varargout = wiimouse(varargin)
gui_Singleton = 1;
gui_State = struct('gui_Name',       mfilename, ...
    'gui_Singleton',  gui_Singleton, ...
    'gui_OpeningFcn', @wiimouse_OpeningFcn, ...
    'gui_OutputFcn',  @wiimouse_OutputFcn, ...
    'gui_LayoutFcn',  [] , ...
    'gui_Callback',   []);
if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})
    gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});

if nargout
    [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT

% --- Executes just before wiimouse is made visible.
function wiimouse_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
handles.output = hObject;
guidata(hObject, handles);

% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.
function varargout = wiimouse_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
varargout{1} = handles.output;

% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1.
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)		    %When button is clicked, do the following:
if get(hObject, 'Value')						    %If button was toggled on:
    import java.awt.*;							    %Java bot that simulates mouse clicks
    import java.awt.event.*;						    %Java bot that simulates mouse clicks
    rob=Robot;		  						    %Assign Java bot functions to variable Rob
    s = serial('COM7','BAUD',9600);					    %Pick serial port sets
    fopen(s)		   						    %Open Serial port
    set(hObject, 'String', 'Stop Mouse control')			    %Change text in button to "Stop Mouse Control"
    hold_but = [0 0];                                                       %Initialize with no buttons being held down
    screen_res = get(0, 'ScreenSize');                                      %Get screen resolution
    origin = [51 35];                                                       %Pick mouse origin (when accx and accy produce min position)
    buffx = [];                                                             %Initialize position buffer in x direction
    buffy = [];                                                             %Initialize position buffer in y direction

%~~~Main Loop of Program~~~
while 1									    %Keep running indefinitely
    if ~get(handles.pushbutton1, 'Value');				    %If the button is toggled to off:
        set(hObject, 'String', 'Start Mouse control')			    %Change button text bacl to "Start Mouse Control"
        s = serial('COM7','BAUD',9600);                                     %Get serial port settings
        fclose(instrfind);						    %Close the serial port
        delete(instrfind);						    %Delete the serial port
        break;								    %End While loop

    %~~~Get Serial Data~~~
    serial_data = fscanf(s);						    %Import serial data in the format 'Xdata Ydata LeftClick RightClick MouseMove'
    serial_data = str2num(serial_data);					    %Turn the serial data into numbers, a 5 x 1 matrix
    if length(serial_data) ~=5                                              %If bad data comes in.
        serial_data = fscanf(s);                                            %Rescan
        serial_data = str2num(serial_data);                                 %Turn into number array
    pause(0.02)                                                             %Pause to allow time to loop through

    %~~~Move Mouse~~~
    if length(serial_data)~=5                                               %If good data is still didn't come through
        serial_data(5) = 0;                                                 %Make all missing values zero

    if ~serial_data(5)                                                      %If the side toggle button is not pressed
        if length(buffx) <10                                                %If the buffer has not been filled yet
            buffx = [buffx serial_data(1)];                                 %Add the new serial x value to the buffer
            buffy = [buffy serial_data(2)];                                 %Add the new serial y value to the buffer
        else                                                                %If the buffer has been filled
            buffx = [buffx(2:10) serial_data(1)];                           %Delete the first point, add a new point to the end
            buffy = [buffy(2:10) serial_data(2)];                           %Delete the first point, add a new point to the end
        accx = mean(buffx);                                                 %Get the average of all buffered values
        accy = mean(buffy);                                                 %Get the average of all buffered values
        lastpt = get(0, 'PointerLocation');                                 %Get te previous cursor position
        posx = 5*(accx) + origin(1);                                        %Scaling factor for x, and translation
        posy = 5*(accy) + origin(2);                                        %Scaling factor for y, and translation
        diffx = posx - lastpt(1);                                           %Get difference between last point and new point in x
        diffy = posy - lastpt(2);                                           %Get difference between last point and new point in y

        nx=0;                                                               %Reset x movement step size
        ny=0;                                                               %Reset y movement step size

        if abs(diffx)> 15                                                   %If the change in x position is large enough
            if lastpt(1) > posx                                             %If the movement is negative
                nx = -1;                                                    %Make the x step size -1
                nx = 1;                                                     %If movement is positive, make x step size + 1

        if abs(diffy)> 15                                                   %If the change in y position is large enough
            if lastpt(2) > posy                                             %If the movement is negative
                ny = -1;                                                    %Make the y step size -1
                ny = 1;                                                     %If movement is positive, make y step size + 1

        for i= lastpt(2):ny:posy
            set(0, 'PointerLocation', [lastpt(1) i])                        %This interpolates and moves cursor between actual acquired data

        for i= lastpt(1):nx:posx
            set(0, 'PointerLocation', [i posy])                             %This interpolates and moves cursor between actual acquired data
    else                                                                    %If the red side button is pressed
        accx = serial_data(1);                                              %Still save acceleration data in x
        accy = serial_data(2);                                              %Still save acceleration data in y
        origin(1) = posx - 5*accx;                                          %Set the new origin based on new position, and current acceleration value
        origin(2) = posy - 5*accy;                                          %Set new origin in y direction
        buffx = [];                                                         %Reset the buffer
        buffy = [];                                                         %Reset the buffer

    %~~~Handle Left and Right Mouse Clicks~~~
    if serial_data(3) && ~hold_but(1)					    %If a left click is detected, and the left button is not already down
        rob.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);  			    %Using Java bot, left click down
        hold_but(1) = 1;                                                    %Remember that the left click is down
    elseif ~serial_data(3) && hold_but(1)                                   %If the left click is not detected, and the left button was previously down
        rob.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); 			    %Using Java bot, left click up
        hold_but(1) = 0;                                                    %Remember that the left click is up
    elseif serial_data(4) && ~hold_but(2)                                   %If the right click is detected, and it is not already down
        rob.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK);		  	    %Using Java bot, right click down
        hold_but(2) = 1;                                                    %Remember that the right click is down
    elseif serial_data(4) && hold_but(2)                                    %If the right click is no longer detected, and the button was previously down
        rob.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK);			    %Using Java bot, right click up
        hold_but(3) = 0;                                                    %Remember that the right click is up


Wireless Communication

Mouse Control in Windows

Serial Communication

Position from Accelerometers