PIC32MX: Benchmarking Mathematical Operations

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Original Assignment

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Your assignment is to empirically test how long it takes to perform add, subtract, multiply, divide, sqrt, sin, and cos operations with the 80 MHz PIC32460F512L and our standard code optimization setting. You will do these tests with chars (8-bit integers), shorts (16-bit), integers (32-bit), long long integers (64-bit), floats (32-bit single precision floating point), and double (64-bit double-precision floating point). Your end result will be a table with the operation on one axis and the kind of variable on the other axis, and each cell of the table will have a normalized duration for the operation. The time will be normalized by the fastest operation, so the smallest number in the table will be 1.00. All other numbers will indicate how many times longer that operation takes. All numbers will have two decimal places, e.g., 2.57 or 24.72. You will also give the time that 1.00 corresponds to in nanoseconds.

Since bit-shifting left and right correspond to a version of multiplying and dividing, you should also include the operations >>1 and >>4 and <<1 and <<4. (If the results are identical, you can eliminate shift left from your table.)

To generate this table, you can set an output bit low before the operation, then high immediately after the operation, and measure the time on an oscilloscope. You should


Summarize briefly what the page is about.


Include a schematic and give any part numbers. A photo of your circuit is OK, but not as a replacement for a schematic.


Where possible, make it a single piece of well-commented cut-and-pastable code, or at least make each function that way, so others can easily copy it. Most comments should be in the code itself; outside the code (on the wiki) should only be explanatory comments that are too cumbersome to include in the code.