PIC16F684 Registers

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This page is a more detailed overview of the registers. It includes the most commonly used registers. All remaining information can be found on the Microchip website.

Memory Map

These images show the memory map of the PIC16F684. Use these for a quick reference for register addresses and initial values.

Registers in Memory Bank 0

PIC registers bank0.png

Registers in Memory Bank 1

PIC registers bank1.png

Register Descriptions



PIC register STATUS.png


PIC register OPTION.png


PIC register INTCON.png


The PIE1 is used to enable/disable interrupts.

PIC register PIE1.png



PIC register PORTA.png


PIC register TRISA.png


The ANSEL register determines whether a pin, AN<7:0>, is an analog input or not.

PIC register ANSEL.png


The IOCA register determines whether or not an interrupt is generated when a digital pin on PORTA, RA<5:0>, experiences a change in value.

PIC register IOCA.png


PIC register PORTC.png


PIC register TRISC.png



T2CON sets up Timer2, which is used for PWM timing.

PIC register T2CON.png

A/D Configuration and Usage

When configuring and using the ADC the following functions must be considered:

  • Port configuration (ANSEL)
  • Channel selection (ADCON0)
  • ADC voltage reference selection (ADCON0)
  • ADC conversion clock source (ADCON1)
  • Interrupt control (INTCON)
  • Results formatting (ADCON0)


PIC register ADCON0.png


PIC register ADCON1.png


ADRESH contains the highest significant digits of the A/D conversion. The values contained in this register depend on whether you select "Right Justified" (ADFM=1) or "Left Justified" (ADFM=0) results.

Right Justified (ADFM=1):
PIC register ADRESHR.png
Left Justified (ADMF=0):
PIC register ADRESHL.png


ADRESL contains the lowest significant digits of the A/D conversion. The values contained in this register depend on whether you select "Right Justified" (ADFM=1) or "Left Justified" (ADFM=0) results.

Right Justified (ADFM=1):
PIC register ADRESLR.png
Left Justified (ADMF=0):
PIC register ADRESLL.png

PWM Configuration and Usage

The PWM duty cycle is specified by writing a 10-bit value to multiple registers: CCPR1L register and CCP1<1:0> bits of the CCP1CON register. The CCPR1L contains the eight MSbs and the CCP1<1:0> bits of the CCP1CON register contain the two LSbs.


The CCP1CON register configures PWM output by selecting Single, Half or Full-Bridge modes. These modes were created to make interfacing the PIC16F684 with H-Bridges and Full-Bridges simple.

PIC register CCP1CON.png


The CCPR1L register holds the 8 MSbs of the PWM duty cycle. If you are using an analog input to determine the duty cycle, you should set up the A/D to be left justified and then all you have to do is copy ADRESH to CCPR1L.


The PR2 is an 8-bit register used to set the PWM period. This must be set along with the Timer2 prescale in T2CON. The table below shows the results:

PIC PWM Frequencies.png