# Comment: This is the simplest of makefiles! # Here is a template: # [target]: [dependencies] # [tab] [command to execute] # The thing to the left of the colon in the first line is what is created, # and the thing(s) to the right of the colon are what it depends on. The second # line is the action to create the target. If the things it depends on # haven't changed since the target was last created, no need to do the action. # make the hex file from the elf file simplePIC.hex: simplePIC.elf xc32-bin2hex simplePIC.elf # make the elf file from the object file (link); "-Wl" below is "-W ell" not "-W one" simplePIC.elf: simplePIC.o xc32-gcc -mprocessor=32MX795F512L -o simplePIC.elf simplePIC.o -Wl,--script="NU32bootloaded.ld" # make the object file from the C source file (compile and assemble) simplePIC.o: simplePIC.c xc32-gcc -g -x c -c -mprocessor=32MX795F512L -o simplePIC.o simplePIC.c # "make clean" throws away all previously made files to ensure make from scratch clean: rm -f *.o *.elf *.hex